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Embedded Systems
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Inter-Disciplinary Projects
Embedded Systems
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Inter-Disciplinary Projects
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VLSI Projects
Characterization & Implementation multipliers
Characterization & Implementation of Adders
Humidity and temperature indicator and control system for Irrigation.
Fuzzy logic based Electric Vehicle.
Automatic Fan and light control based on atmosphere humidity, temperature and brightness.
Liquid (Water) level indicator and control based on FPGA.
FPGA based Electronic Voting Machine.
Automatic Bridge control for Ship movement and Traffic.
Dual elevator.
EDGE detection of video on spartan6.
Object tracking on FPGA.
Cordic Algorithm.
ALU design.
UART design (RS232)
FIR and IIR filter design.
RPM counter.
Microcontroller design using HDL.
Embedded Projects
RFID & Finger print based projects
RFID Based Library Management System.
RFID Based Local Vehicle Tracking System
RFID Based Security System.
RFID Based Attendance System.
RFID Based Railway Reservation.
RFID Based Shopping Cart.
Automatic Toll Tax Deduction System.
RFID Based ATM Machine.
Energy Meter with Recharge Option.
Electronic Road Pricing.
RFID Based Inventory Tracking System
RFID Based Voting Machine.
RFID Based Ration Card.
RFID Based Banking System.
RFID Based Metro Train Prototype.
Animal Identification Device.
Unmanned toll taxi using RFID
RFID based Books Detector Robot for Library
RFID Based Attendance Monitoring System
Voter Credentials and Authentication System Using RFID Technology
RFID & GSM based Auto Attendance Monitoring And Student Performance Enquiry System
Student Data Logging System into College Website based on RFID or Finger Print Sensor
A Modular Cost-Effective Mobile Robot Navigation System using RFID Technology
A Multi-Robot Coordination System based on RFID Technology
A Blind Navigation System Using RFID for Indoor Environments
An RFID based Pilgrim Identification System
Automatic Rationing for Public Distribution System (PDS) using RFID for Preventing Smuggling of Goods
GSM based Home or Industrial Automation System
Unmanned Petrol bunk
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GSM based projects
GSM Based Home Appliances Control.
GSM Based Voting Machine.
GSM Based Motor Control.
GSM Based Home Security System.
GSM Based Energy Meter Monitoring.
GSM Based Controlled Wireless Robot.
Interfacing GSM Mobile to PC.
GSM Based Stepper Motor Control.
GSM Based Vehicle Ignition System for Safety.
GSM Based Generator Start/Stop.
GSM Based Vending Machine
GSM Based Anti Theft System for Vehicles.
GSM Railways Reservation.
GSM Vehicle Location Finder for Parking.
GSM Based NoticeBoard.
GSM based Tele-monitoring system
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Robotics projects
Electronic robo car.
Line follower robot.
Automatic bottle filling system..
Fire fighting robot.
Servomotor based walking robot.
Survellience robot.
Light Finder Robotic Vehicle
Voice Command based Humanoid Robot
Blind navigating robot
Gesture controlled robot
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DTMF based projects
Home Security with Password.
Home Appliance Control.
Energy Meter.
Robot Control.
DC Motor Control.
Industrial application.
Home automation
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Some interesting projects
Data Acquisition and Data Logging System using PIC microcontroller and Matlab Application
Solenoid Valve based Automated Irrigation System
Automatic Water Supply System For Green House(RTC)
Auto Wiper Speed Controller According To Rain Force
Microcontroller Based Digital Voltmeter Ammeter
Alive Being Detector Robotic Vehicle using PIR Sensor and Wireless Camera
Automated Smart LED Lighting System with Sun Direction Tracking System
Automatic Control Of Exhaust Fan Coupled With Gas Leakage Detector
Intelligent Highway Police Patrolling System with Speed Sensors & Camera for the violation of Speed Limits
A Novel Rear end Collision, Accident Avoidance, Distance Measuring using Ultra-Sonic Sensor
Implementation of a Master Slave Architecture using the I2C Protocol for Non Volatile Data Logging
Implementation of CAN Bus in an Autonomous all Terrain Vehicle
Zigbee Intelligent Monitoring & Controlling System
Wireless Embedded Message Display Interfaced by PS2 Keyboard
RF Remote Controller For Home Appliances
Microcontroller Based Function Generator
Embedded Sensor System For Early Pathology Detection In Building Construction.
Prototype of RF based station intimation coach status information and control system.
Signal Indicator For Vehicles In Single Hairpin Bend And Vehicle Counter.
RFID Based System For Class Room Identification For Visually Impaired.
Finger Based License, RFID Based RC Book For Vehicle.
Automatic Train Station Announcement System With Bomb Detection.
Involuntary station name display with voice attentive system for train
Automated pollution detection and monitoring system using carbon sensors
Automatic Traffic Controller For Ambulance And VIP Vehicles
Microcontroller based wireless energy meter
PID Based Flow Controller
Industrial Power Saving and Automatic Attendance System
IR sensor based home/industrial Automation
Automatic drunken drive avoiding system for automobile
Finger print based Lift operating system
Finger print based door open close system
Finger print based voting machine
Microcontroller Based Automatic Track Guided vehicle
Electrical Appliances Controlling System Using Cell Phone
DC/DC converter with Solar Panel PV applications
CAN Based Energy Billing System
Remote controlled AC/DC Motor Speed Controlling System
Microcontroller Based Temperature and Respiration Monitoring System
Microcontroller Based Automatic Moisture and Light control System for Garden
Microcontroller Based Industry Safety Control System
Automatic Vehicle Over Speed Indication and Controlling System
Microcontroller Based Automatic Railways Signaling System
Microcontroller Based Automatic Railways Signaling System
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MATLAB Projects
Image reconstruction for characterization of different filters.
ELD with GUI.
Skin texture analysis for human skin.
Speaker recognition for industrial security with FPGA/ Embedded.
Controlling of Appliances using MATLAB GUI.
PC controlled robot
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